Train Booking

Nairobi to Mombasa SGR Online Train Ticket Booking, Mombasa to Nairobi Train Tickets Booking online. Train Fares, time, schedule, timetable, stations, duration.
Looking to travel from Nairobi to Mombasa via train book a Nairobi to Mombasa train ticket online either first class or economy class Tickets. The Sgr train has a schedule of both morning and afternoon timetable and train price are 30$ for 1st class and 10$ second class. The travel transit distance is 5 hours for a train travel distance of 500kms .Sgr Nairobi Mombasa train Tickets fare is also available from Mombasa to Nairobi train transport from Mombasa train station. The morning train is an intercounty train with stop over at stations stations include Athi River, Emali, Kibwezi, Mtito Andei, Voi, Miasenyi, and Mariakani.The Afternoon train is express train offering a non-stop connection between Nairobi to Mombasa from Nairobi to Mombasa and Mombasa to Nairobi train terminals.
The Train travel from Nairobi to Mombasa to Nairobi is Known as SGR Train,Madaraka epress train,The Standard Gauge Railways (SGR) Inter-County Trains Service

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